EbonyThots.com is Now LIVE!
NEW: LatinaCoochies.com & FHG Browser Tool Now Live!
Paxum Now Available! Plus: New HairyCoochies.com LIVE
New MILF Site: HornyAsianMILFs.com
2 New Sites Now Live! BBC/Interracial + More Big Boobs!
Paxum payments update
Paxum payment delay
2 New Sites. New Tools. Oh my!
Extended Trailers 8+ mins NOW LIVE
Extended Trailers 8+ mins Coming Soon!
GetSCORECash.com Neuigkeiten
GetSCORECash.com Neuigkeiten
GSC Pushes Forward on Mobile MarketMay 07th, 2009
GetSCORECash.com has launched PornPhoneTV.com (PPTV), offering seven streaming video channels totally free to users of Windows Mobile phones. The site is not designed for use with home computers.
The channels available at PPTV are completely hardcore and showcase each of our program's niche websites: Scoreland.com (big boobs), XLGirls.com (bbw and plumpers), LegSex.com (foot and leg fetish), NaughtyMag.com (amateurs), 40SomethingMag.com (MILFs and mature women), 18eighteen.com (teens) and BootyliciousMag.com (big asses). PPTV's primary use is to promote mobile content on our niche sites and our all-mobile site, Score2Go.com. Grab your link to this new mobile site under your Score2Go.com link codes and start promoting to your mobile audience! More news to come on our push to mobile... Contact me at ICQ#192623388 or email me at webmaster@getscorecash.com if you need any assistance or have any questions. The GetSCORECash.com Team |
FeedHerFuckHer.com Now Live!April 30th, 2009
Check out our latest BBW / feeder site FeedHerFuckHer.com.
We've put together some downloadable content, free hosted galleries, brand new banners, and the RSS feed is now ready for use. Need anything else? Just ask. Let us know what you think of our latest site. Your feedback is always welcomed. Ralph Trinidad GetSCORECash.com Admin |
Maintenance UpdateApril 20th, 2009
The server update is complete. Joins, rebills, and payments for last period are up to date--this was the only period affected by the update. We are populating the click data information (unique/raws) now so you will see those being updated as the day progresses.
Please contact webmaster@getscorecash.com if you have any questions. GetSCORECash.com Team |
New Embedded and Animated Ad ToolsApril 08th, 2009
Check out the newly added Embedded Ads and Animated Grid tools from the Ad Tools Feeds section of GetSCORECash.com. Also updated to the new backend is the RSS Feed Builder. Customize any of the tools to match your site and let it automatically update on daily basis with fresh new content.
If you have any questions on setting these up, feel free to hit me up! Ralph T. webmaster@getscorecash.com ICQ#192623388 |
Video Tutorial AssistanceApril 01st, 2009
We are looking for your input in creating a video tutorial section for our affiliate site to help you get the most out of GetSCORECash.com. Don't know how to get a particular ad tool to work? Want to know how to view specific stats? Let us know what you wish to see in our video tutorial section and we'll make sure to add it.
Submit your requests to webmaster@getscorecash.com. The GetSCORECash.com Team |
Accessing Old StatisticsMarch 23rd, 2009
To view statistics and payments prior to the transition to NATS4, please visit http://v3.getscorecash.com/.
If you have access issues, just contact me at ICQ#192623388 or webmaster@getscorecash.com and I will get you taken care of. Regards, Ralph Trinidad www.GetSCORECash.com |
Stats & Rebills UpdateMarch 20th, 2009
Rebills started rolling in as of 03/18 for the period of 03/11 through today. As previously notified, we had to roll back rebills that came in upon switching to NATS4 due to a duplication of rebills that had already been imported from NATS3.
Also, we have updated the stats view so that you can view stats from NATS3 within NATS4. For viewing stats previous to the move on 03/11 5pm EST, first select a date range prior to the move and hit 'Apply Timeframe'. Once the timeframe loads, use the 'Current View' dropdown at the top and switch to 'Imported v3 Stats'. Remember to swap back to any other view for any date range after this date. As always, feel free to hit me up on ICQ#192623388 or email me at webmaster@getscorecash.com. Ralph Trinidad GetSCORECash.com Admin |
Payouts UpdateMarch 16th, 2009
Hello affiliates! Just want to give you guys a headsup on payouts this period...
Payouts are scheduled to go out as scheduled tomorrow for the period 02/16/2009-02/28/2009. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions at webmaster@getscorecash.com or ICQ# 192623388. Ralph Trinidad GetSCORECash.com Admin |
Rebills UpdateMarch 13th, 2009
Follow-up to today's stats update...
We found that the rebills cronjob was recording rebills that were already recorded by our NATS3 database. This caused duplication of transactions that will be retracted as soon as the import process is complete. Bare in mind that Score-Cash has 4 years of statistics. We are importing this data in segments so that we do not tax the databases and the productivity of new transactions. All former statistics will become available in the new GetSCORECash.com ASAP. Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at trinidadr@scoregroup.com or ICQ# 192623388. Ralph Trinidad GetSCORECash.com Admin |
Stats UpdateMarch 13th, 2009
Just a few notes on the new and improved GetSCORECash.com...
You can view your previous stats at http://v3.getscorecash.com/ These statistics are up to March 10th, 5pm EST. Any stats viewable on GetSCORECash.com prior to this date and time, are imported transactions that are required by NATS4. This is required to keep member information, affiliate referrals, and rebills intact from NATS3 transactions. You might see a discrepancy where NATS4 'join' numbers are slightly higher. This is due to affiliate referral payouts that NATS4 handles differently. Now, for the exciting news! :) Here's what the new GetSCORECash.com backend has in store for you: 1) Complete member/retention tracking. Now you can see each member independently, including number of rebills and total income from each member. 2) Ad tool tracking. Unproductive banners or FHGs? You can now see what ad tools are making you money and you can make educated decisions based on actual data. To make use of ad tool tracking, you will need to grab link codes provided in the new system. 3) Country reports. You can now see your productivity based on country of origin. This can help you modify your traffic to achieve more productive results. 4) Graphical statistics. As part of the many different reports now available to affiliates, you can view graphical interpretations of data as pie charts, line charts, and comparitive charts. Feel free to contact me via ICQ#192623388 or email me at webmaster@getscorecash.com with any concerns or feedback you may have. Ralph Trinidad GetSCORECash.com Admin |
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The SCORE Group, 5001 SW 74 Ct #200, Miami, FL 33155